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Can WordPress run on Windows hosting

There are a number of ways and solutions to run a WordPress website some users believe that WordPress websites can only be hosted on Linux hosting. However nothing is less true. Let's see how a WordPress website can be hosted on Windows hosting!WordPress is one of the most common ways to create a website with its easy interface and way of working you can quickly put a website together. The many themes and plug-ins available allow you to create your own website that matches your needs all without

Improve WordPress speed for PageSpeeds

Every website needs to be as fast as possible for your own use and more importantly for the users of your website. This helps your ranking in search engines like Google the conversion rate on your website and the user experience. Here are some tips to make sure your WordPress website scores as high as possible in the Google PageSpeeds test.A fast WordPress website is important for a number of reasons. How to achieve this is however a matter of opinion but often the following things have a real impact.

Track tasks for your website

Creating and maintaining a website can be a lot of work in most cases. There are a number of ways to keep this in order for yourself. In this article we share some tips for keeping track of updates and the further tasks that come with a website.With a website there is always more work involved than when you might expect because in most cases a website is not a static object. It grows along with your business or wishes for the website. This is a process that often does not happen in one day. And

Local SEO tips for your website

Local search results can help you attract customers who are searching within Google Maps and performing other local searches. Local search results are often part of campaigns but can get lost when not enough attention is paid to them. In this article we will give you the tips you can use to get the most out of local search results!There are a lot of different things that can make you perform better in local search results. This always requires just like any other work for Search Engine Optimization

Identifying problems with fewer visitors to a website

A website stands or falls with the amount of visitors it receives. In order to determine where this is caused by there are a number of things to check and to pick up. In this article let's take a look at what can be done to increase this.Visitors on a website make you more likely to get conversions the more visitors the more sales or desired actions on a website. Of course it's not a 1 plus 1 sum that you can make however it does come down to this: more visitors on a websiteweb hosting will ensure

Stay up to date with WordPress updates

WordPress is one of the most popular methods for creating and maintaining a website. In this article we'll explain the best way to schedule this for yourself and how to do it safely. Read on to find out all the tips and tricks.With a WordPress website it's important to stay up to date. Whether it's updates for plugins updates for themes or updates for WordPress itself. There is already an option in WordPress to update these automatically. However we don't recommend enabling automatic updates for

Create your own logo for a website

To create a logo for a website you have a number of options. You can outsource this to a design agency find someone who can make a logo for your website in your acquaintances. Or of course you can do it yourself. Often it is not advisable to do this without any prior knowledge. You'll probably be busy for quite some time and this time in the beginning of a website is much needed for other things. However if you want to know exactly how this works and are eager to learn. Then it might be worthwhile

Track SEO trends

SEO trends are often terms that are very popular to search for a certain period some of these trends remain. But there are also search terms that disappear after a while. For example with the rise of hobby drones this first grew explosively and then levelled off. And a good example is a fidget spinner which was once the talk of the day and now has fallen into oblivion. These trends can often be used to attract more organic traffic for a period of time. Let's discuss this in this blog post.A trend

Translate Dutch website

If you already have an established Dutch website it is sometimes attractive to translate it. With a new language you can open up other markets and ensure that you can reach new customers. Another language such as English or Spanish also has a global reach that you can reach in this way. Below you will learn how to translate a website or have it translated. And whether you need to register another domain name to do so.Translating an existing website has many advantages and is also less costly than