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PHP 5.6 comes to an end

PHP 5.6 comes to an end For most of our customers this will not be a problem anymore since you always keep up with the updates of your code you are of course already using PHP 7.x! Besides the security of your website PHP 7.x also has a very positive impact on the speed of your Hosting. It was already known that PHP 5.6 was going to expire but at the end of this year 2018 it really happened. So if you are still using the older PHP 5.6 version then it is high time to make your website suitable for

WordPress 5 Beta is Available

WordPress 5 Beta is Available If you're into websites a lot then you've probably heard of or used WordPress. WordPress is the most popular Content Management System out there. It is used on 30 percent of all websites. So the chances are pretty good that you also use WordPress. On November 5 2018 WordPress announced that they have put the beta version of WordPress 5 live. This allows you to test the latest version of WordPress but it is not recommended to use this version for your website. What's

Google Chrome will block all misleading ads

Google Chrome will block all misleading ads Ads we all see them come along at some point and they can be quite annoying. There are also misleading ads Google Chrome wants to block these kinds of ads starting with version 71. According to Google itself more than half of all misleading ads are not blocked.This is of course very annoying if you do not use an Adblocker. However this does not only apply to ads Chrome will also warn about unclear subscriptions. As an example they have given a web page

PHP 7.2 improvements

PHP 7.2 improvements For anyone who uses PHP to build their website it is recommended to switch to the latest available PHP version. This not only for the safety of your website and Hosting but also for speed. The latest major update release is the version PHP 7.2.x. In this release there are a number of new features added and a lot of improvements applied. Let's go over them in this blog post. Speed Compared to PHP 5.6 with the latest PHP version you will see a significant change in speed of your

Different types of hosting

Different types of hosting If you are an experienced computer user then the term Hosting will sound familiar to you. If you have a website then you also use web hosting to keep your website online and running. There are different types of hosting of which web hosting is the most commonly used. SSD Hosting If you have a website that needs to run as fast as possible then SSD hosting is highly recommended. On SSD packages your website will run 40 to 60 percent faster so this is optimal if you want

Umbraco Content Management System

Umbraco Content Management System Umbraco is a popular Content Management System or CMS which allows you to create and manage your website through an easy environment. If you are looking for a reliable place to host your existing Umbraco website or to make a new start then MijnHostingPartner.nl is your new partner! We have special ASP.NET Core hosting packages that are especially suited for the CMS Umbraco. Be surprised by the specifications! But what makes Umbraco different? Umbraco is a CMS written

Font Awesome

Font Awesome There's a big chance you use icons on your website. For example to display your shopping basket or your information request sign. You name it there is an icon for it. However all these icons need to be created by someone. That's where Font Awesome comes in. Font Awesome icons and graphics are used in over 100 million websites and hosting. Including the websites of MijnPartnerGroep.nl! With Font Awesome you can choose from thousands of icons and graphics in your preferred file type.

How do I make my website mobile-ready?

How do I make my website mobile-ready? You've probably done it before browsing the internet on your phone but did you know that more than 50 percent of visitors to your site are on a phone? This is one of the many reasons why it is important to have a mobile-friendly site on your Hosting. There are several techniques you can use to make sure your website is reachable on a phone. A separate domain You've probably seen it come along when you're on your mobile a domain name that stands for m. If you

Secure your phone

Secure your phone Everyone has it in their pocket these days a cell phone. Whether you use it for business or for personal use you have to deal with it every day. That is why the security of your phone is very important almost as important as the security of your Hosting. But how do you make sure your phone is properly secured? That's what we are going to discuss in this blog post. Malware on your phone Just like your computer your phone can also be attacked through your phone it is usually less