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Why an SSL certificate?

Why an SSL certificate? Everyone is familiar with the well-known green lock in the browser bar when you go to your bank or to MijnHostingPartner.nl. This is a security method that ensures that any data you enter over the Internet can not just be intercepted by other users on the same network. This is why we always advise against using public WIFI when sharing personal data. An SSL certificate is now coming more and more to the fore because browsers like Firefox and Chrome show a message when your

Small tips for websites

Small tips for websites A lot of people start a website for their business blog or hobby. You can use almost any Content Management System with MijnHostingPartner.nl to create your website. However the thing is that you have to stick to a certain number of rules if you want to do well with your website. Therefore in the blog post we are going to go down a list of what you need to keep in mind when you are going to start a website or have already started one on your hosting. Avoid duplicate content

Create website without knowledge

Creating a website without knowledge Nowadays everyone wants to create a website for your business or for your hobby but how do you do this without any technical knowledge? If terms like PHP hosting MySQL and ASP.NET hosting do not mean anything to you then it can be difficult to create your website. That is why we at MijnHostingPartner.nl have a number of ways to make your website without technical knowledge. This way you can have your website hosting live on the internet without any technical

Content Marketing

Content Marketing Content Marketing is the foundation of a successful website. To get higher with all the results and generate more sales it's incredibly important that you put time and effort into Content Marketing. But what is it exactly and how do you start it with your hosting? We are going to explain that in this post. Content Marketing is important for all online shops and successful websites. It's a task that most companies assign a team or separate colleague to do just to create and adhere

Pagekit hosting

Pagekit hosting When you are looking for a new Content management system for your website there are a lot of options. Whether you go for WordPress hosting Umbraco hosting or Craft CMS hosting. At MijnHostingPartner.nl we like to test and try out as many CMS as possible for different purposes. We recently stumbled upon the Pagekit hosting CMS. This is a fairly new CMS that focuses on “clean and mean†. In other words a clean look without filling your whole screen with options and as easy

Craft CMS hosting

Craft CMS hosting With the latest awards for the different Content Management Systems Craft CMS has come out as the best for small or medium sized businesses. This is a CMS that is particularly suitable for content creators and web designers. It locks the different users into their own environment. So you have an account for your content designers and an account for the web designers who can let their imagination loose on the different templates for your hosting. Craft CMS is a bit different than

The Web App Gallery

The Web App Gallery At MijnHostingPartner.nl you can find a large number of applications within a few clicks in the web application gallery. This is a library of Microsoft in which many applications are available. Think of different Content Management Systems like WordPress hosting or Joomla hosting. Or for Forum software for your own forum on the Internet. You can also use learning software to organize your schoolwork. Moodle is very suitable for this and is often used by students who have a package

WordPress SEO themes for your business

WordPress SEO themes for your business WordPress is a well-known platform to create your website for the hobby or for your business website hosting. If you are going to create a WordPress website or already have one it is important to also do your homework on a theme that is suitable for SEO. What is SEO? SEO stands for search engine optimization and is the art of getting your website as high as possible in the search results of Google Bing or Yahoo with certain keywords. Your WordPress theme plays

nopCommerce 4.0 has been released

nopCommerce 4.0 has been released MijnHostingPartner.nl has a nice announcement for nopCommerce users. The latest update is now officially out! Version 4.0 is now available for download from the nopCommerce website. Existing webshops can be updated to 4.0 with an upgrade script which is available for download. This upgrade includes many bugfixes and the biggest change is converting the code to ASP.NET Core 2.0. This provides a major performance boost that is immediately noticeable. In a webshop