
What is an affiliate website

You might have heard of affiliate marketing but did you know that there are also websites that do purely affiliate marketing? These are the so-called affiliate niche websites. Let's explain how son website is put together and what exactly its revenue model is.Monetizing a website can be done in a lot of different ways there is the option to sell something directly. Think of a product or service that you offer to customers. In addition a major driving force behind websites is the various advertisements

Local advertising for your website

Once you have your website set up with content and the core functionality in place then you will likely be looking for your first visitors. Website visitors can come from many places. Local visitors are of course ideal if your business or website is also meant for the local audience. Here are some tips on how to attract local visitors to your website.Website visitors are always in demand with website builders. With so many sources on which to reach them it can be difficult to see the wood for the

Page structure of a website

The page structure of a website is an important part of any website. With the right structure you can ensure that your users can easily navigate and you can achieve the goals of your website. These tips will help you make sure your pages are structured in a logical way.To give users a better opportunity to perform a desired action on your website it is important to have a comprehensible interface on your website. This ensures that users are more likely to click through to another page on your website.

WordPress installed and now

Congratulations! You have gotten WordPress installed within the hosting of And now you want to start building your website. With this step-by-step plan you can make sure your WordPress website will be a success.WordPress is a Content Management System used by a large part of the internet to create a website. With its easy interface and way of working anyone can easily get a website up and running. With a WordPress website you have a lot of advantages over other methods. Namely

Mobile first for websites

It's becoming more important every year making a website mobile-ready. Now most people will have already done some things for this. But what else can you do? We'll explain that in more detail in this blog post.Mobile first for websites is an important factor for the success of a website nowadays you will see most of the visitors on your website as mobile traffic. This is because most people naturally use their phones to do many things that were first done on the desktop. So with a website the task

WordPress 5 7 switch to https

The Internet is increasingly migrating to websites that use HTTPS traffic. This is accomplished with an SSL certificate that ensures visitors can use a secure connection. In the next update of WordPress 5.7 they want to make it easier to switch from your HTTP website.SSL certificates are easier than ever to activate for your website with organizations like Lets Encrypt which of course can also be used with hosting from You can easily set up an SSL certificate for your hosting

Responding to the seasons with your website

Different sports businesses and blogs need to respond to the seasons to keep constant traffic to your website. There are obviously fewer people searching for winter sports in the middle of summer than when the first snow is falling. In this article we will explain how to capitalize on this and make your content suitable for it on your website.With any website focusing on a different sport hobby or product you may have to deal with seasonal searches and levels of interest. A good example is ice skating

Content marketing for a website

Content marketing for a website is an important part of starting and maintaining a website. This is because without content on a website you will not get the results you expect from a website. Content can be the key to the success of your website. Let's cover how this works in this blog post.A website stands or falls with its content. Content is a broad term to describe mainly text for a website video and other media used to convert a potential visitor into a paying customer. Texts on your website

An explanation of Google Updates

With a website in most cases you are also trying to be found on search engines like Google. A website that performs well in organic search results can assume that there is always a stable source of traffic to your website. But how stable is this? You have to deal with Updates from Google. Competition and many more wild card factors that you may not have taken into account. In this article we'll explain how to take this into account and how to be compliant.Google just like any other software company