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301 404 503 error messages

301 404 and 503 what is it and what do you do about it?HTTP Status codes can be frightening to the layman when you encounter this on your website. These are simply the browser and the server talking to each other. All of these codes are broken down into 5 classes within hosting. Informational responses successful responses redirects client errors and server errors.• 100. Means everything is fine so far. The server of MijnHostingPartner.nl received it correctly and is now processing it. No

Microsoft and Facebook new undersea data line

Microsoft and Facebook new undersea data lineGoodnews for people in southern Europe and America Microsoft and Facebook have jointly built a new data line between the two points.This gives many benefits for connectivity for the entire world. The cable which has been named Marea goes from Virginia Beach in Virginia America to Bilbao Spain and connects the two points. The length of the undersea cable is rounded off at 6450 km and lies partly buried along the coast and partly simply on the seabed to

CCleaner malware found

CCleaner malware found The popular tool CCleaner which is used on many PCs and Macs has been infected with Malware. If you have been keeping an eye on the news websites then you have probably already seen this passing by. MijnHostingPartner.nl still wants to dedicate a blog post to make sure that our customers do not accidentally miss it. The program CCleaner is used to clean up your PC by for example emptying all cookies and the recycle garbage can. This is how people have come to rely on it to

WordPress plugin Display Widgets hacked

WordPress plugin Display Widgets hackedAbackdoor has been discovered with the Display Widgets plugin that grants access to hackers so they can modify content on the website and spread malware. This is not the first time a WordPress plugin has had some issues. In fact there are plugins that are not updated and are no longer suitable for use with the later versions of WordPress hosting. If you have Display Widgets installed within your WordPress website it is advisable to uninstall them as soon as

Major update to Firefox in November

There are a number of choices for browsers. The browser is a crucial part of the Internet and allows you to easily browse the web. The biggest players in the browser world are: Google Chrome Mozilla FireFox Internet Explorer Safari Where Google Chrome now has the largest user base at 54% and FireFox now stands at 6%. FireFox lost a lot of users in 2008 when Google Chrome emerged. But FireFox thinks they can get a lot of users back with their update coming out in November 2017. The update 57 is

30 years of GIF

30 Years of GIF The image type GIF is now 30 years old. But few technologies survive more than 5 years let alone 30 years without major changes. In the last few years a lot has a lot has changed in terms of technology. Our phones that we carry around in our pockets are 20 times more powerful and versatile than the PCs of 10 years ago. This has also changed behavior on the Internet. Where websites used to be were made for the desktop it is now important that phones can also use the entire site. phones

Sources you can use for your website

Resources you can use for your websiteWiththe start of a website you may have a lot of questions. There are a few things that always require some homework when you get going with a CMS or developing a site. That's why it's easy to know where to look for your questions. And you will undoubtedly will have. It's important to first ask yourself the following question. What kind of website do I have or am I creating?Commercial or hobbyistIs important to take into account. If you are dependent on your

Google Chrome Not secure notification without SSL

Google Chrome Not Secure notification without SSLIthas long been known that browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox show a notification when data such as passwords and credit card details are entered. This is only for pages and websites where no SSL certificate is active. Now from October this notification will also be shown on forms login fields and other input fields. They do this to also show users who do not know about this matter the possible dangers of entering data over an unsecured line.

Making WordPress Google Friendly

Making WordPress Google FriendlyInthis blog post we are going to cover how to make your WordPress website hosting as friendly as possible for Google. After all when you want to start a WordPress website it can be a task to come up with the right strategy for this. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the term for getting your website higher in Google. With WordPress there are a number of tricks that can be applied.Google Keyword PlannerWithinGoogle Adwords you have a tool to make suggestions for