
How do I secure my website?

Most people consider their own privacy and security to be extremely important and therefore like to protect their data. It can't always be easy to protect it sometimes you don't even know where to start. For example if you have a web shop then it is also important to protect the data on your hosting. In this blog post we will go through exactly how you can best protect your privacy on the Internet. Passwords Perhaps one of the most important things you should take into account is your passwords.

Nearly 4500 fake stores taken offline

In 2019 the SIDN took almost 4500 fake stores offline. They managed this thanks to a self-learning detection tool developed by SIDN Labs. With this tool Dutch domain registrations are continuously scanned. It looks for features that are more often found in fake webshops. For example no contact option no KVK number no reviews suspicious domain names etc. This self-learning tool turns out to be very good as it achieves a security percentage of 79.3 percent. How do I recognize fake stores? As a consumer

Domain Swindle

Most people who are on the Internet are probably familiar with various scam methods. These include scam methods such as phishing phone scams and many others. Domains are also often used for scams such as sending phantom invoices. We have recently received more and more reports from our customers. You will be approached by a party called "DNS Service NL" with an invoice for your domain. If you receive an email from this party it is recommended to ignore it and block the sender. How do I recognize

Domain Swindle

Most people who are on the Internet are probably familiar with various scam methods. These include scam methods such as phishing phone scams and many others. Domains are also often used for scams such as sending phantom invoices. We have recently received more and more reports from our customers. You will be approached by a party called "DNS Service NL" with an invoice for your domain. If you receive an email from this party it is recommended to ignore it and block the sender. How do I recognize

Google Chrome will block downloads over http

Most people nowadays download something from the Internet fairly often. You can think of different things pictures movies files and so on. Often you will not pay attention to whether the download is over http or https. In the future Google Chrome will block downloads over http. In general this will not make much difference to you unless you have files on your Hosting that you can only download over http. It is advisable to change this as soon as possible to https this can be done with an SSL certificate.

Advertise my website

You have finally purchased Hosting and started an online shop congratulations! However this is only the first step you take when starting your own website. Now you also have to make sure that you get visitors on your website. This is not always easy so in this blog post we are going to cover how you can advertise your website. Blogging If you regularly post a blog on your website you have a greater chance of being found on the Internet. Not only will you rank higher in Google but you will also

Reviews for my company

Maintaining your own business is not easy you need to have a website and the hosting to go with it. You also need to keep your customers happy answer emails and many other things. Keeping your customers happy can not always be easy angry customers are often more inclined to leave negative reviews. Keeping your reviews up to date is therefore important as positive customers can do a lot of good for your business. If another potential customer sees a good review then they will be more inclined to

Hosting a NopCommerce website

If you are familiar with us for a longer time then you will also know that we are very enthusiastic about certain Content Management Systems. Think for example of WordPress Drupal Umbraco OctoberCMS CraftCMS and many others. One system that you don't hear us talk about very often but that we are very excited about is NopCommerce. We're going to go over in this blog post what exactly NopCommerce is and how you can run it on your Hosting. What is NopCommerce NopCommerce is an open source Content

Multiple languages on my website

If you have a website then it might be interesting to have multiple languages on it. You can do this by placing a button on your website or by purchasing several domain names. There are many different ways to achieve this on your Hosting. We are going to go through some of these methods in this blog post. Different domains Perhaps one of the easiest methods to have your website in multiple languages is to purchase multiple domains for this. You can then use a .nl extension for Dutch visitors and