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How do I make sure my website is easy to read?

How do I make sure my website is easy to read? If you're a writer or blogger yourself then you've definitely had to deal with it the readability of your text. Now you think of course how does this apply to my Hosting? This has to do with the fact that the texts on your website must also be legible. If your content is easy to read then your website will automatically be more customer friendly. This makes it more pleasant for your users to read but how do I ensure this? Tips for making your content

Visual Studio 2019

Visual Studio 2019 With our ASP.NET Core hosting we are the web host for all your projects in Visual Studio. Visual Studio most readers will already be familiar with. This is the developer program to use for all your projects within your Hosting. Whether it is an application for the local environment or a complex web application. Microsoft Visual Studio is very versatile and can be used by anyone. With their licensing setup it is possible for both student and company to use this. Microsoft has recently

Joomla voted best free CMS

Joomla voted best free CMS Choosing a CMS is not always easy as you have a lot of choices when choosing a CMS. This year Joomla has been chosen as the best free CMS for you Hosting. For us this was quite striking news since WordPress Hostingis used the most. In fact 30 Percent of websites run on WordPress. We have therefore decided to go through the pros and cons of Joomla in this blog post. Joomla or WordPress? One of the biggest advantages of Joomla over WordPress is that it is a lot more secure.

October CMS as best flat file CMS

October CMS as best flat file CMS Earlier this month we discussed how Umbraco is the best CMS for businesses on you Hosting. After this we looked further into the awards and it showed that October CMS was chosen as the best Flat File CMS. Therefore we decided to cover further in this blog post to what exactly a Flat File CMS is. What is a Flat File CMS? A Flat File CMS is meant for small to medium sized websites or projects. The reason that a Flat File CMS is better for this is due to the fact that

Dynamic DNS at MijnHostingPartner.nl

Dynamic DNS at MijnHostingPartner.nl DNS is an important part of Hosting at MijnHostingPartner.nl. DNS ensures that your website is accessible your email is always received and many more important parts. To ensure that your website and mail around the world is fast and reliable MijnHostingPartner.nl has a Global DNS environment set up in cooperation with Oracle Dyn. From locations all over the world we now have servers that make sure that every change at DNS level is resolved in an unprecedented

Spam, what is it and what do I do about it?

Spam what is it and what do I do about it? We have all suffered from it at one time or another spam mail these are emails that are often sent as advertisements. These kinds of emails are always sent unwanted and it is always annoying. It is of course very important that your business Email Hosting has as little spam as possible. In this blog post we will cover what spam is and how you can best prevent spam. What is spam? Spam stands for Sending People Annoying Mail and it is almost always unsolicited

Website of the week action

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Domain fraud and scams, how do you recognize it?

Domain fraud and scams how do you recognize it? If you have a website or use Hosting you must of course ensure that the data of your domain is well protected. Of course there are people who would like to take your domain name into their own hands or want your money. They do this by means of scams fraud and other ways to lure you into a trap. For this there are several techniques used what techniques are used we will discuss in this blog post. Different techniques One of the most well-known techniques

Domain fraud and scams, how do you recognize it?

Umbraco 8 coming in early 2019 Using a CMS is extremely useful for your website as it allows you to put together a website easily and quickly. One of our favorite Content Management Systems is Umbraco and a new version of it is coming out here in early 2019. Umbraco 8 will be ideal for Umbraco Hosting. What's New. With big updates like this there is always the question of what is new. One of the most important things is that the UX has been redesigned UX however is different from UI. UI stands for