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An explanation of Google Updates

With a website in most cases you are also trying to be found on search engines like Google. A website that performs well in organic search results can assume that there is always a stable source of traffic to your website. But how stable is this? You have to deal with Updates from Google. Competition and many more wild card factors that you may not have taken into account. In this article we'll explain how to take this into account and how to be compliant.Google just like any other software company

Basics of keyword analysis explained

Keyword optimization keyword research these are terms you may have seen come up when starting your website. A website can be found in many different ways. With a good keyword analysis you can make sure that your website will appear faster in the Google search results. Let's cover the basics in this blog post.SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a game that takes a long time in almost no case is it the case that after publishing your website page or post you see results immediately. This is where

How to log in to a WordPress website

WordPress is often the choice for anyone who wants to create a website. With its ease of design operation and maintenance WordPress websites are suitable for everyone. From starters to experienced webmasters. In this blog post we'll go back to basics for a moment explaining exactly how to log in within your own WordPress website.Making websites is accessible to everyone nowadays with clear steps and easy methods anyone who wants to put in a little homework can make a website. However it is still

Making an annual report of your website

It's the start of a new year again with the new year come new opportunities. Also for your website and hosting. With an overall report of 2020 you can make sure you have a clear view on the priorities and you can refocus where necessary. Let's cover a few tips for the annual report you can make of your website!Keeping track of some statistics is indispensable when gathering the data for an annual report. For this we are going to take into account that you have a number of tools installed on your

What is the ideal content length

Content length or the total number of words on a page on your website is a much debated topic. Many have different opinions about it and every Google core update brings this discussion to the surface. Let's find out what the opinions are on this and how you can adjust your content accordingly.Every website needs content in the form of text. Trying to create a web page without text is not only difficult. But it also brings with it very large disadvantages. A search engine crawler can not determine

Track website results monthly

Congratulations! You've created a website and you're working on it every day every week or every month. Now of course you want to know how your website is performing and where you can improve. In this blog post we will explain how to track your monthly results and what tools are available for this.The results of a website are important to keep track of not only for yourself but also for a lot of other reasons. If you want to sell your website in the long run or just to be able to share the results

How much disk space does a website take up

A website can be made up of many different parts but exactly how much disk space do you need when creating a website in hosting? We cover this in more detail in this article.Websites are made up of a lot of different types of media files and databases. In most cases websites are created using a Content Management System such as WordPress Joomla or Umbraco. The bare installations of these consist purely of files and some sample media such as images and logos used as demos.Files end with .php .css

Where do your website visitors come from

It is sometimes difficult to come up with new ways to track where your website visitors are coming from and how to track this. That's why we cover it in this article.A website can attract a lot of visitors often it happens that suddenly one post attracts much more attention than another. It is important to know where those visitors come from as well as how they got to your website. There are a number of well-known channels that are used to promote your content. Let's brush up on these again and

Why a Content Management System is Important

A Content Management System or CMS for short is important for many reasons. It makes things easier such as publishing content designing your website and keeping up with the latest technology. In this blog post we will explain how a CMS is important for your website as well.With a Content Management System you make everyday things easier not only for yourself but also for others who also work on your website and your colleagues. You can process orders with a web shop solution write a blog without