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Closed Source Website Builders vs. Open Source CMS

There are a number of website builders or parties that let you easily create a website in a visual way. In recent years this market has grown more and more and its popularity is increasing. However a website builder has some strong disadvantages compared to using an open source content management system. In this blog let's take a look at the pros and cons of both options. And how you can make the decision to use one for your business. Read on quickly! Closed source website builder examples. There

Competition within your niche - how to deal with it

The Internet is full of every topic imaginable in every branch of operen you face competition on this. Whether this is on the keywords you want to appear for. The ads you want to run or the companies or audiences you want to target. If you still find niches or markets where this is not the case then you are at the foot of a great opportunity or it has been known for a long time that this niche is not profitable to invest in. For example to start a webshop about fidget spinners now you are already

Place ads on your WordPress website

Advertisements are an integral part of the Internet. You will find ads of all shapes and sizes on almost every Web site. In fact ads are one of the most reliable ways to convert visitors to your Web site into a revenue model. Ads often don't even need to be clicked on to generate revenue already and are therefore a reliable option if your visitor numbers remain stable. For WordPress there are several ways to achieve this. By far the easiest way to do this is Google AdSense. In this blog post we

Creating your own 404 page

A 404 page is a page that appears as soon as a URL cannot be found on a website. This is one of the most common error messages a visitor to your website may encounter. And therefore often extended with helpful tips and articles that a visitor can use to still find the desired information. Having your own 404 page can therefore be an important asset to help your visitors directly on pages that are not working correctly. You can quickly trigger a 404 message yourself by putting a random number or

What percentage of your website is indexed by Google?

A website consists of many different pages and articles; in fact most websites consist of more than one page. In this collection of pages and different topics it is sometimes difficult not to see the forest for the trees. With a few technical steps and tools from Google itself you can see in detail what of your website has been indexed in the search engine. In this blog post let's take a look at how this works and how you can use it! Create or check sitemap.xml Many will already be familiar with

What falls under maintenance of a website

Website maintenance is one item on the to-do list that doesn't go off anytime soon and in fact always comes back. In fact maintenance is essential for your website to keep functioning load quickly and remain safe for use by your visitors. Websites that are not maintained are doomed to fall into oblivion and become unsafe to use. Let's take a look at what all is included in website maintenance. And how you can schedule it to make sure your website stays up and running. Let's get started! Maintenance

What do you need to create a blog?

Creating a blog is the dream of many people. Maybe you have certain experiences you want to share about your favorite hobby work life or travels. There are many reasons to start a blog. You can set it up without any experience and maintain it for a small annual fee. In this blog post we'll take a look at how to start a blog and what all you need. Let's get started. Come up with a name for your blog The first step before starting your blog is to come up with a name since you can already use that

Learn more about your website visitors

Your website visitors are a valuable asset because the whole point of websites is to share information with as many people as possible. Whether it's from your big business your latest freelance projects or providing information or content themselves. If you have your visitors maintaining a website is worth it. In this blog post we're going to look at how you can learn more from your visitors and how exactly you can track that. Tracking your website's statistics Website statistics can be tracked

Choosing the right layout for your website

Websites can be created for a variety of purposes but the right website layout can make the difference between a successful website and one that offers little else. With the right layout a visitor who comes to the site can easily request more information place an order right away or read more about a topic that interests them. Read all about it in this blog post on how to best design your website. What type of website are we talking about? Different websites also have different requirements for