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Startup website creation

A startup company naturally needs a website. A number of questions then arise. How do you create the website? And how do you make sure your startup website gets name recognition? We cover that in this blog post.Of course with starting any business there are a whole scale of options to consider. A website can benefit a startup greatly. A website can bring in your first customers provide information that is missing or ensure that your startup is put on the map better. A website is often easy to make

Traffic sources of a website

A website can have many sources of traffic. Traffic to a website is a thing for almost every website to have a lot of. Whether you want the latest blog posts read a lot want more eyes on your services or want more visitors to your web shop. How do you keep track of the different sources. And how do you make the most of them? We cover that in this blog post.With a website you can have many goals. Informing visitors activating them or somewhere in between. With a website it is often essential to attract

Astra theme for WordPress

The Astra theme for WordPress is a popular lightweight theme suitable for many types of websites. In the latest update 3.1 a lot of things have been revamped again. And the theme has become even faster. Let's cover the theme and the update in this blog post.If you are looking for a versatile theme for WordPress which is not full of clutter then the Astra theme is a particularly good option. With minimal modifications it can be quickly put together for a blog with a clean look. And with further modifications

Starting email list within WordPress

Starting an email list or newsletter within a WordPress website can provide many benefits. Your visitors who like your content and want to stay up to date are often best kept informed by a newsletter. And several marketing studies show that a newsletter is still a powerful tool.Starting an email list or newsletter often requires some homework before you can start collecting it. We want to explain this in more detail in this blog post.Starting an email list and collecting email addressesStarting

Solving indexing problems

When you use Google Search Console to get the most out of your website you will often get a notification from time to time about indexing problems. As a website grows over the years with the addition of pages and posts. Your website may need to be checked from time to time. Here's how to fix this.Indexing problems can have many causes from not being able to crawl certain URLs or even resulting in your domain name or page being deleted from Google search results. Something that can of course be a

Manage sitemaps

Sitemaps make it easier for search engines to read your website. It says which pages should be read and which should not. And when they were last edited. Let's cover all the benefits in this blog post.With running a website there is often a lot involved. Content needs to be created design needs to be arranged with a theme or made and the technical side needs to be in order to make your website a success. With a Sitemap.xml file you ensure that your website will be processed correctly by search engines

Staying online with your website

A website is an important asset to your business you find new customers through it and can advertise in a very targeted way. However a website needs maintenance. In this blog post we share the way to stay carefree online with your website.Most websites hosted in the Netherlands are often created with WordPress this is an easy Content Management System with a low barrier to entry. However there are often other content management systems available that are used based on .NET Core. These websites are

Become an Amazon affiliate with your blog

There are a large number of ways to bring in revenue with your blog. Of which advertising is the most common method. However with companies like Amazon you can also recommend products through your website. On which you can earn a commission. In this article we explain how this works.Amazon is one of the largest internet department stores in the world. Here people can order anything from the latest book to the biggest television. Since they are active in the Netherlands you can now also become an

Why WordPress sometimes gets a bad name

WordPress is one of the most popular ways to create a website. From various quarters you can often hear various arguments that make it out to be a bad system. But what are those arguments? And what do we think about them? Read on for all the answers.WordPress is easy to use and allows many people to create a website without too much hassle. However there is often more involved in making a WordPress website actually fast stable and good. Here are all the counter points made against WordPress.WordPress