Launching for every Online Cloud Backup

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Launching for every Online Cloud Backup is proud to launch its latest partner called, the place for your online cloud backup.

With this partner we launch backup services suitable for both companies and individuals. One place for all your backup files for your sensitive business information, your family pictures or everything in between.

Let's dive a little deeper into exactly what this service can offer you and how it works.

What exactly is an Online Cloud backup service?

An online cloud backup is storing your data on the Internet, so lost or damaged files can be restored anytime and on any device. A local program is used to backup your laptop, desktop or server. This is an easy way to have a safe backup on every device. This way you can fall back on a certain file or entire installation at any time.

For example if something goes wrong with an Update. A file is accidentally deleted, or a malware attack takes place. With the Backup tool of you are safe in any situation and recovery is not only instant, but also on other devices. So you do not need access to a specific machine to perform a restore.

Backups stored securely

Backups need to be stored securely. With the tool and the services we provide, the following measures have been taken to make this as safe as possible:

Two factor authentication

As a first security measure for your backup environment next to your set password, there is a two factor authentication option that we strongly recommend to make active. This generates a temporary number sequence on your smartphone which allows you to log in. After 60 seconds this will expire again. Without this second check nobody has access to your files and backups. A two factor authentication app that we recommend is Google Authenticator. However, you can also use a two factor authentication app for this. Like the option from Microsoft.

Different backup locations, or Storage Vaults

A backup in one location is not enough, that is why we have included the possibility to select multiple Storage Vaults in our Online Cloud Backup at Your data is stored in multiple locations around the world. So even in the most exceptional situations there is always a backup of your data at multiple locations.

Backups are stored encrypted

Besides the two factor authentication to secure access, and the different storage locations, we have also stored your data encrypted. Using the rock-solid AES-256 Military Grade algorithm, your data and backup are stored encrypted. This means that your data cannot be cracked by the latest supercomputers within 200 years using current technology!

Easily save specific files or entire computer installations

In our backup tool you can easily specify which files, folders or entire systems should be included in the backup. You also have full control unlike other similar services. Add commands and manage every aspect of the backup function with the many configuration options available. This makes it a powerful tool for any user and situation. Per backup task you can select what should be included in the Online Cloud Backup, whether it is for Word files, PDF files or complex databases. A backup is available and restored in a few actions.

Suitable for any OS

The backup tool and interface is suitable for any Operating System, so it doesn't matter if you want to make a backup of a Windows machine, Linux or Mac OSX. A backup is quickly and easily made with our tool. So you can effortlessly use the services for an Online cloud Backup at

Retention of 120 days

Retention is the holding or keeping of the created backups for a certain period of time. At we have a retention period of 120 days. This means that in any case you have a history of 120 days of specific files or entire Windows installations. So even if you don't notice a file is missing you can still go back 120 days and retrieve it from the backup.

Daily, weekly, monthly or every minute backup

In addition to retention, it is also important to set how often the backup should be made. With the tool for online storage in the cloud, it is easy to set how often this should actually be performed. For example, with files that don't change that quickly it is possible to back up every month, or for files that are worked on all day it is possible to set it every other minute. This gives you a lot of power when you have several people working on a project, or when you need to undo a specific action.

Useful software you can build on

No one wants to assume things will get lost or damaged, but it's better to have a plan B when it comes to financial applications. Or just that one wedding photo you'd like to show your grandchildren in 20 years. With an online cloud backup from we take a large part of the worry out of it. With several locations around the world where you can choose from, you are dealing with a robust and secure system. And with the other benefits that we have also discussed in this blog post you can work on your business or passion with peace of mind.

Leave some of the turmoil of running an online business to us with