Accelerate website

Accelerate website
We often get asked what you can do to make your website faster, this has been covered in the past with a number of articles and blog posts. Now, however, we want to pay a little more attention to how this can be tested. This can be done with a lot of online tools. One tool you will probably already know; this is the web inspector in Google Chrome and firebug in Firefox. We at almost exclusively use firebug in Firefox because we like this tool best. If you do not have firebug installed you can install it via the following link. This program can then be started using F12.

The program looks like this:

Accelerate website

What is indicated here are all the requests from the page you are currently on. This can be used to see which files are requested more slowly and that way you can isolate the problems.

Another quick way to check the speed and suitability for mobile devices is to use Google's tool. You can find this at:

What this tool can check for you is the speed of your web page using a number on a scale of 1 to 100:

Use browser caching
Enable compression
Remove JavaScript and CSS in content above the fold that are blocking display
Consider correcting this:
Resize JavaScript
Optimize Images
Resize CSS Resize

For some of these problems, you can visit the knowledge base. For example, enabling GZIP

through the web.config.

Accelerate website

For each issue they give a brief explanation of what can be done in general. This you can then further research on various sources to address this.

What are your tips or tools that you use to measure speed?

Tell us via chat or in a ticket to our helpdesk!