401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials

If you receive this error message on your site or on a page within your site then the permissions have been set incorrectly on the hosting space. When a file or page does not have read permissions this error will occur.
This error can be solved by logging into the control panel and going to the filemanager, this cannot be solved by changing the permissions via an FTP connection or client like Filezilla.

The control panel can be reached through the following link:
//control.mijnhostingpartner.nlWanneer you are logged in, you can go to the filemanager to set the permissions. You can set the permissions through the filemanager in the following way.

401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials

After the rights check 99% of the problems are solved, if you still get the same message there is an extra security on your hosting space / page. When you get a prompt for this message asking you to provide the data. Then you probably have a .htaccess file which prevents this, you can also adjust this in the control panel under websites.