Loose Contact Form (PHPmailer)

This article is for customers who want to put a form on their website that uses a standard template. This form is already ready to use and can be placed on your website. As it is now set up this form will be a separate page.
You can also split and customize it. The CSS that formats the form is right there in the page where the form is created.

1) Do as follows:
You download the .zip file via this link2

) Log into the control panel and put this file in the folder wwwroot. Then you can unzip it via the file manager and point to form.php on your website.
That depends on the situation and folder structure of your website.

Loose Contact Form (PHPmailer)

This application consists of one file:


it takes care of

capturing and sending the information entered in form.php.
- Here your email address and password should be given so that the application knows where to send it.
These lines are located on line numbers : 14 and 15

3) Then modify this to your own data

Loose Contact Form (PHPmailer)

4) Then modify the data at the bottom of the file

Loose Contact Form (PHPmailer)

Sender mail address ->
The same as your mail user
Sender name -> the same as your mail password
Receiver -> Put the recipient of your mail here
Subject-> The subject of your mail
-> Put
the contents of your mail address here

Nothing else needs to be changed to get this working.
You have to adjust this script to your own contactform.