I forgot the password of admin account

Forgotten password

If you have forgotten the password to your admin account then there are several ways to recover it. The first method is to simply click on the forgotten password link, this will not work if the Mail change that MijnHostingPartner.nl requires is not applied.
Then we are talking about the following plugin that needs to be installed.

mijnhostingpartner.nl/client/knowledgebase/108/Mijn-uitgaande-mail-werkt-niet-in-Wordpress.htmlAls So if you have not installed the above link then you can recover your password in the following way.

Step 1, log in to the control panel via.

mijnhostingpartner.nlStap 2, select MySQL 5.xx from the main menu.

I forgot the password of admin account

Step 3, Select "Browse Database" at your database used for wordpress.

I forgot the password of admin account

Step 4, In the left menu in your database you have to expand your database if necessary. You then select the table wp_users.

I forgot the password of admin account

Step 5, On your user select the option edit.

I forgot the password of admin account

Step 6, Select the encryption method MD5. Type a new password in plain text.

I forgot the password of admin account

Finally press start.

Step 7, The table is now updated and your password is restored.

I forgot the password of admin account

If you have any further questions you can always see if there is someone on the online chat.
Or you can create a ticket for this in the customer panel.