DotNetNuke install Web app Gallery

This article explains how to install DotNetNuke via the web app gallery in the control panel.
Remember that a DNN installation requires the add on MS - SQL databases. To be ordered in the customer panel.

Log into the control panel using the following link: https:

// the web app gallery in the options menu
DotNetNuke install Web app Gallery

Enter DNN in the search field to go to the installation package.
DotNetNuke install Web app Gallery

Select DNN and press Install. Then click Next.
DotNetNuke install Web app Gallery

Enter your details in the next screen and select a website on which you want to perform the installation.

DotNetNuke install Web app Gallery

Then go to your website in the browser.

DotNetNuke install Web app Gallery

Install the application.

DotNetNuke install Web app Gallery

Open the website

DotNetNuke install Web app Gallery

After this the installation is complete and you can start working on your new website.

DotNetNuke install Web app Gallery

If you have any questions you can always see if there is someone on the online chat.
Or you can create a ticket for this in the customer panel.

keywords: DNN dotnetnuke dot net nuke installation install web app web app