Cooking CMS installation

Installing Cooking CMS

If you want to use Koken CMS, you must first have a database and a database user, then you can download Koken.

Cooking CMS installation

Then click on upload and then on select file.

Cooking CMS installation

Then unzip the file.

Cooking CMS installation

Then you set the permissions on the wwwroot folder in the following way, for this example we used

Cooking CMS installation

Cooking will then run a few tests, if these are satisfied you can press Begin Installation.
You will be asked for your first and last name, email address and your password, this is for the admin account and can be set to your liking.
When this is completed the next screen will ask for the database information.

Cooking CMS installation

1: This is your hostname, you can check this in the control panel.
2: This is your database name, you can create this name in the control panel.
3: This is your database username, also to be created in the control panel, this account must also be linked to your database.
4: This is your database user password.

If you have followed these steps you are ready to use Koken CMS at MijnHostingPartner!