Creating contacts in the customer panel

In many situations it is desirable to create a contact person in the customer panel. This is for example for letting a third person or administrator manage certain settings of your website, access to the invoices of the package and domain for an association, for example, or registering a domain name on another contact. You can create a subaccount or contact within our customer panel for almost any use case. Let's cover how this works in this roadmap.

First, log in with your own customer panel account for the domain and service in question using the following link:

After this, from the next screen, go to My Contacts. Where you can manage existing contacts, and add new ones.

Creating contacts in the customer panel

After this, in the drop down select the option to add a Contact person:

Creating contacts in the customer panel

Fill in the details of the contact person, this should always be their own mail address. This is because it is linked to it.

Creating contacts in the customer panel

There are live checks attached to the data, so if you get some red, check your entries and correct where necessary. After this you can click on Add to add the contact.

To continue please refresh the page, you can also go back to the customer panel dashboard and follow the steps for managing contacts. Your new contact will appear in the drop down list.

Then click on it and go to the PERMISSIONS tab to assign the necessary permissions to the account.

Creating contacts in the customer panel

Here you need to assign the options that the contact person should have access to. This often includes all emails and viewing and responding to support tickets. Go through all options and pull the radio button over what is applicable. After saving it, it will be active immediately.

You can now tell the contact person that it is possible to log into the customer panel with us, he does this by going to the following link:


Creating contacts in the customer panel

And entering his email address which is given in the following steps. He or she will then receive an email with the option to set the password.

Permissions can be changed at any time in the client panel, and the account can also be deactivated. For example, if the access is no longer necessary.

These are all the steps required to create a contact person. The contact person can then also be used to select the domain name holder when ordering a new domain. Any existing domains that need to be transferred always involve some costs. Please create a ticket towards the administration.