What is DKIM?

If you use your own e-mail address it is possible that the mail ends up in the spam box of the recipient.This will have to do with the fact that there is no DKIM record active for the domain.

DKIM stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail and it is a technique which actually adds extra authentication when sending mail.Because there is an extra confirmation on this, the receiving party can check it and it will no longer be caught as spam.When DKIM is activated it will not be active on a single mail address but on the entire domain.This is because DKIM is an extra DNS record. Below you will find an example of a DKIM record.

What is DKIM?

If you want to activate DKIM you will need to do this in the control panel. First click on mail and then on mail domains. The detailed article can be found on the next page: Activate DKIM