Where can I manage my DNS records?

*NOOT* It is also possible to do this in the control panel under domains -> your domain -> Edit DNS zone.

If you want to set this up through the customer panel do it the following way.

1. Make sure you are logged into the customer panel and click on domains

Where can I manage my DNS records?
2. Then click on the domain you want to edit the DNS records of.

Where can I manage my DNS records?
3. Then you can click on the draft block, below the DNS records can be further modified.

Where can I manage my DNS records?
This is further to your liking, it may take a while before the changes are visible. This has to do with the DNS refresh.
If you want to change the DNS records of your domain then you must first log into the control panel.
When you have done this click on the domain of which you want to change the records.
Then click on Edit DNS zone records
You will see the DNS records here.