Add website pointer

This article explains how to add a website pointer, a website pointer is a way to redirect a domain name to another domain name. This is not the same way as a redirect. A redirect can be from to
A pointer controls the subdomain or another already active domain in your control panel. For example, you can link from to the main site You also see between the existing website pointers the www. prefix.
This ensures that the url https://www.mijntestpartner.nlis also accepted. If this pointer is not added, one can only go to the domain in the browser by surfing to

This can be set up in the following way.

step 1. Log in to the control panel.
You do this through the following link with the information you received from us in the mail:
Control PanelStep

2, select websites.

Add website pointer

Step 3, select the relevant domain.

Add website pointer

Step 4, select the option "Add website Pointer".

Add website pointer

Add website pointer
Step 5, create the website pointer.

Add website pointer

After the website pointer is created it can take a while before it is visible in the browser. This depends on your domain extension and the corresponding DNS refresh.