How can I secure my WordPress site?

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How can I secure my WordPress site?

The security of your own website is extremely important, especially when you use a WordPress website.This is because you need to update WordPress frequently so that your website is always secure.

Not only WordPress itself but also your theme and plug-ins need to be updated frequently.To maintain the security of your website we will go through how best to secure your WordPress site in this blog post.

How are websites abused?

First of all it is important to know how your websites can be abused.When you know this then you can almost always prevent it.

To start with, it is often the older WordPress versions that are abused.This is because leaks are regularly found that can then be abused.

Fortunately, this is very simple to avoid by keeping everything clean.You can just do this in the admin environment of WordPress, you will also get a notification about this.

Of course, you may not have time at all to keep up with all this.For this, we have Managed WordPress Hosting.

You see, everything is automatically updated here, WordPress itself, your plug-ins and your theme.Please note that sometimes paid plug-ins are not updated automatically because you need a license for these.

Nulled themes

It may be that there is a theme that you would like to use but it is an expensive theme.If you do not want to or cannot pay for it you might look for a cracked version, this is called nulled themes.

Absolutely do not make use of this!It is very common for these to be full of malware or other malicious code.

After all, you don't want the bank account on your website to be changed to someone else's account.For this reason it is always best to pay for a theme or find an alternative.

This also applies to plug-ins you can always best pay for.If you want to test these plug-ins for free it is best to request a demo from the developer.

Securing your admin page

Everyone knows that on a standard WordPress site you can get to the admin page by typing /wp-admin after it.This is also something that people with malicious intentions will look for.

Fortunately, you can easily hide the leak by using a plug-in for this purpose.With a plug-in like Hide login page you can easily hide your admin page and change the link.

This way you are the only user who knows exactly where to log in as administrator.It is also wise to choose a different username than admin or "websiteAdmin".

As with your password, it is wise to create a not so obvious username.If you wish you can even use a random password for this.

In addition to these steps, you can also edit the login attempts for your admin environment.This will prevent brute force attacks so your password can't be guessed either.

Read and write permissions.

Setting the permissions correctly is important when installing and modifying a WordPress website.You need to turn on both read and write permissions in order to apply changes.

However, you should be careful with this as it can also be an entry point for malicious people.Therefore, after you have made changes, always disable it so it cannot be abused.

You can also possibly implement this by putting the following piece of code in at the end of the wp config file:define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);

Secure your database

When installing WordPress you have probably seen a database prefix.Many people just leave it at the default prefix and then install WordPress.

However, it is a lot safer if you change it to another prefix.This is because wp_ is the default prefix and malicious users will assume that people have set it that way.

This is because if they see that you have an older version of WordPress then there is a very good chance that the default prefix will be used.It is also possible to hide your WordPress version on your own website.

This can be found by looking up "generator" in the HTML code.If you want to hide it, you can add the following piece of code to the functions.php file: remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_generator' );

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