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Website Statistics

Website Statistics

Website Statistics

There are several tools available that can be used to monitor the traffic on your website. In this blog post, we are going to cover about three of these tools. This way you will get more insight of the traffic on your website. For example, you can use these tools to see which page is working and which is not. This way you can make sure that your conversion rate is as high as possible.

You can track visitors to your website using one of the tools below:

Statistics site of MijnHostingPartner.nl

With this tool from Smartertools you can track, free of charge, who is on your website and what actions are performed. It offers an extensive report and can be created in the control panel of MijnHostingPartner.nl.

This can be set up in the following way.


Website Statistics


This is a tool that we as MijnPartnerGroep.nl also recommend to use. This is an open source tool that can be used freely to monitor your website. This software is very extensive and offers a wide range of options. What distinguishes this tool from the others is that all the data you keep track of is only accessible to you. Data is therefore not sent to any other party. More information about this tool can be found via the links below:


Website Statistics


Is a popular tool from Google to keep track of data from your website, when you use this tool you can also easily link to Google Adwords. Google Adwords is a paid way to promote your website through the Google search engine. You can activate this tool through the following link:


Website Statistics

So with one of these tools, you can track the data in such a way that you can improve your site and content every time.

If you have any questions or suggestions you can create a ticket in the customer panel or come on the chat.